Rails 6 preserves status of #html_safe?

Vishal Telangre

By Vishal Telangre

on August 13, 2019

This blog is part of our  Rails 6 series.

Before Rails 6

Before Rails 6, calling #html_safe? on a slice of an HTML safe string returns nil.

1>> html_content = "<div>Hello, world!</div>".html_safe
2# => "<div>Hello, world!</div>"
3>> html_content.html_safe?
4# => true
5>> html_content[0..-1].html_safe?
6# => nil

Also, before Rails 6, the ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer#* method does not preserve the HTML safe status as well.

1>> line_break = "<br />".html_safe
2# => "<br />"
3>> line_break.html_safe?
4# => true
5>> two_line_breaks = (line_break * 2)
6# => "<br /><br />"
7>> two_line_breaks.html_safe?
8# => nil

Rails 6 returns expected status of #html_safe?

In Rails 6, both of the above cases have been fixed properly.

Therefore, we will now get the status of #html_safe? as expected.

1>> html_content = "<div>Hello, world!</div>".html_safe
2# => "<div>Hello, world!</div>"
3>> html_content.html_safe?
4# => true
5>> html_content[0..-1].html_safe?
6# => true
8>> line_break = "<br />".html_safe
9# => "<br />"
10>> line_break.html_safe?
11# => true
12>> two_line_breaks = (line_break * 2)
13# => "<br /><br />"
14>> two_line_breaks.html_safe?
15# => true

Please check rails/rails#33808 and rails/rails#36012 for the relevant changes.

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